Analyze This!

Help us collect data for crowdsourced transparency by reporting what you see.

Classify data

So we can see the bigger picture

While there are plenty of social media platforms that afford the uploading and even live streaming of police interactions, none are designed for the specific purpose of collecting and analyzing footage.

Once on the web, the StopWatch community can analyze data, discover patterns, and forward information to those who can use it most.

By providing a centralized repository for disseminating, viewing, and classifying data, stopWatch has the potential to take accountability to the next level by giving researchers and policy advocates the tools to detect patterns of misconduct at the department level, bringing greater potential for systemic change.

Timestamped Events
Community identifies when misconduct occurs and what exactly took place.
Precinct Patterns
Aggregate date identifies larger patterns of misconduct among agencies.
Community Oversight
Contribute to the conversation by posting useful commentary and providing context.
Legislative Action
Powerful data sets give advocates the tools they need to affect legislative change.